My, my how time flies ... I can hardly believe how quickly Carter has grown up. It seems like yesterday that I peed on a stick, saw two lines, took this ultrasound, and couldn't stop smiling. In fact, I doubt that I've stopped smiling since.
Carter is now 8 mos old now and had decided that crawling is "so yesterday"! He's decided that he wants to walk and/or cruise everywhere. We spend most of our day exploring every nook and cranny this house has to offer. And when he gets bored we explore the great outdoors. Even our cranky neighbor 'oohs and ahs' at him.
Speaking of oohing and ahhing - Andy and I came across the strangest character last night while grocery shopping. An older lady approached me while I was holding Carter and started complimenting me on how cute he was. OF course this makes ALL moms melt, but it's her appearance that really got my attention. Let me elaborate ... She wore an all silk and sequence gown that was a deep deep crimson and eggplant purple color with black details. She had on a pair of diamond earrings and a a ruby necklace. Her very thick white hair was pinned up using crystal encrusted combs. And she wore Fire engine red lipstick and dark eyeshadow. If I didn't know any better I would have thought we were on a movie set that was shooting a period piece. The nice old lady also referred to herself as 'Madam'. I can't make this stuff up - it was all I could do to keep from laughing and looking for the hidden cameras. She was the epitome of glamorous! As out of place that whole scene seemed - it really brought a smile to my face that this older lady took time out to congratulate and compliment a complete stranger. It's these little things that make you appreciate the big picture and also take time to look back and reflect on all that has come to pass.
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