Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Overdue update

We've been slacking a little on the posts but hopefully you have seen the latest pictures. We'll try to keep them up to date especially now that Leslie has her new computer (20" iMac woohoo). Carter continues to amaze everyone by growing at an astonishing rate. He is wearing 9-12 mo. clothing (at least if he's in a cloth diaper). The occasional disposable diaper is very slimming on him but he says that even though disposables are recommended by NASA scientists he prefers cloth!

At his two month well-baby exam he weighed 16 lbs which means he stayed on the 97% weight curve. This came as no surprise to those of us who carry around those 16 pounds on a regular basis ;-)

We had a fun visit from my parents over their spring break so check out the pictures from that. They were happy to finally meet, hold and tickle their first grandson. My sister and brother-in-law also drove up for the weekend so we all went to Elmo's and the Duke Gardens among other classic Durham sites.

Leslie, Carter, and I went to Atlanta for the Big South Volleyball National Qualifier tournament over easter weekend. Aside from being a Chicago-style cold and windy the trip was great fun. The team stayed in the Omni Hotel at the CNN center but there were no confirmed sightings of Anderson Cooper.

Hope you are all well, and we promise to post at least once a month :-)

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